• Lyle’s Chocolate Mousse

    by Joanna Brennan May 10, 2019 1 min read

    Lyle's Chocolate Mousse

    Recipe by Anna Higham of Lyle's


    150g Pump Street Chocolate Grenada 70% pastilles

    25g Madagascar cocoa powder

    200g double cream

    200g water

    Pinch of fine salt


    Chop up the chocolate into smaller pieces so that it will melt faster and mix it with the cocoa powder and salt. Warm the cream and water in a pan until simmering just under a boil.

    Slowly pour a third at a time of the hot liquid over the chocolate and cocoa powder, whisking to emulsify everything together. Once all of the liquid is added you should have a pourable, smooth and slightly shiny ganache. If the mixture feels a bit thick or if it is not perfectly smooth you can warm it up very gently in the microwave or over a bain-marie to help get rid of any lumps and get it to the right consistency.

    Pour the mixture into a cream siphon, attach the top and charge it with three gas charges. Shake the siphon very vigorously for 2 mins. Carefully spray the mixture out into a container. The ganache will now be very aerated. Once the siphon has been entirely emptied quickly put the mousse into the fridge to set for 2-3 hours.

    Chocolate mousse in a tub

    Spooning fresh ice cream into bowl  

    Spooning chocolate mousse into bowl


    Lyle's recipe is featured in our Yearbook: Chocolate from farm to table. Words, Andrew Lowkes and Joanna Brennan. Photography, Yuki Sugiura