• Easter Honey Rocky Road

    by Joanna Brennan April 12, 2019 1 min read

    Easter Honey Rocky Road

    Recipe by Pump Street


    400g Jamaica 75% pastilles

    175g salted butter at room temperature 

    2 tbsp golden syrup

    2 tbsp honey

    200g graham crackers (We love to make them with the recipe from, but the shop bought ones are great too if you can find them, alternatively digestives will do!)

    75g sour cherries

    150g macadamia nuts

    125g plain white marshmallows (We make our own at the bakehouse but shop bought ones are just fine – although not the pink ones which have their own flavour!)


    Butter and line a 9x13 inch cake tin (a 9x9inch will woak in a pinch, but will give you very tall rocky road!)

    In a double boiler or a glass bowl in the microwave, heat the chocolate, butter, golden syrup and honey together gently until they become liquid and are combined.

    In a larger bowl crush the biscuits and then mix with the sour cherries, macadamia nuts and marshmallows.

    Pour the chocolate mixture over the biscuits, and stir to coat all of the dry ingredients. Pour all of the mixture into the tin and press it down so that it is evenly distributed.

    Refrigerate for at least two hours. To cut, use a clean, hot knife.



    Mixing the ingredients together
    Rocky road piled high on a place